May 24, 2019
Friday Night AI: “Ethics & Self-driving Cars”
Free and open to the public
Invited speakers: Prof. Benjamin Kuipers and Prof. Edwin Olson
Organizer: Michigan AI Lab, in collaboration with the Ann Arbor District Library
Moderator: Prof. Rada Mihalcea
When: May 24, at 6:00 pm
Where: AADL Ann Arbor downtown library, multi-purpose room (343 S 5th Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104)
Join us for an evening of AI to engage with Michigan AI experts as they discuss the ethical implications of self-driving cars. Should autonomous vehicles have the ability to make ethical judgments? Can we settle on an universal moral code for cars? And when something goes wrong, who or what should be hold responsible?
Ben Kuipers, Professor in the AI lab at the University of Michigan, and Edwin Olson, Associate Professor in the AI lab at the University of Michigan and CEO of May Mobility, will address these and other open questions in this public AI event.