Other Event
Friday Night AI: “Generative AI for Teaching and Learning: An Opportunity or a Threat?”
Moderator: Rada MihalceaDirectorMichigan Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryProfessorComputer Science & Engineering, University of MichiganPanelist: Kevyn Collins-ThompsonDirectorMasters in Applied Data Science ProgramProfessorComputer Science & Engineering, University of MichiganPanelist: Zara BurzoStudentSkyline High SchoolProfessorComputer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor District Library, DowntownMap
Friday, October 6, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
This event is free and open to the publicClick here to RSVPAdd to Google Calendar
This event is free and open to the publicClick here to RSVPAdd to Google Calendar
WEB: Event Website

If done right, Generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT or BARD have the potential to revolutionize the teaching and learning process. But what does “done right” even mean? Join us on a discussion with students, teachers, and experts in generative AI, to discuss the opportunities and challenges of this new AI technologies. Can they help students with better and more diverse learning experiences? Or can they help educators create more effective, personalized educational opportunities? Education-wise, are we on the path to “idiocracy” or is this a chance for us to become even better and more educated than we’ve ever been?