Jonathan Beaumont named CSE’s HKN Professor of the Year
The Professor of the Year Award is given based on a popular vote by all undergraduate and graduate students

EECS students voted, and Dr. Jonathan Beaumont has been named the 2020–2021 HKN Professor of the Year in CSE by the Beta-Epsilon chapter of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), the national honor society for electrical and computer engineers.
The Professor of the Year Award is given based on a popular vote by all undergraduate and graduate students in programs administered by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
“HKN is pleased to award Jonathan Beaumont with CSE Professor of the Year for 2021,” says HKN president James Worthington. “Particularly in this irregular learning climate, his dedication towards teaching, and receptiveness and understanding towards his students, is greatly appreciated.”
Beaumont joined the faculty at Michigan in Fall 2019 after receiving his PhD in Computer Science from Michigan that year. He teaches EECS 280: Programming and Data Structures, EECS 370: Introduction to Computer Organization, and EECS 470: Computer Architecture. He also serves as a faculty advisor for CS students.
As a student, Beaumont served as an Instructional Aid in EECS 270: Introduction to Logic Design, and as a primary instructor and a GSI in EECS 470. He was recognized by the EECS Department in 2014 and by the College of Engineering in 2015 for his excellent work in EECS 470. He served on the CS Kickstart staff, a program designed to acclimate incoming first-year women to the discipline, and as a teaching consultant with CRLT-Engin. He did research with Prof. Trevor Mudge on new strategies for scheduling irregular computational tasks.