CSE students to attend CRA-W Workshop

Five CSE graduate students will attend the 2014 CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop, which will be held April 11-12, 2014 in Santa Clara, California. The Grad Cohort – which is for women students in their first, second, or third year of graduate school in computer science and engineering or a closely related field – aims to increase the ranks of senior women in computing by building and mentoring nationwide communities of women through their graduate studies.

Attending from CSE are Neha Agarwal, Lauren Hinkle, Yelin Kim, Elizabeth Mamantov, and Dana Wilson. The students’ paticipation in the workshop is funded by CRA-W and CSE.
Students at the workshop will meet for two days with 20 to 25 senior computing researchers and professionals, who will share pertinent information on graduate school survival skills, as well as more personal information and insights about their experiences. The rewards of a research career will be emphasized. The workshop will include a mix of formal presentations, informal discussions, and social events. Through the workshop, the students will be able to build mentoring relationships and develop peer networks that will form the basis for ongoing activities during their graduate careers.
The 2014 Grad Cohort Workshop is sponsored by Microsoft Research, ACM SIG Special Project Fund, Computing Research Association, a private foundation, Google, ACM SIGPLAN, ACM SIGSOFT, Yahoo!, IEEE-CS, Two Sigma, IBM and others.